ESATAN-TMS is one of the standard tool for thermal analysis in aerospace industry. Our customer base includes the world's leading aerospace companies including European Space Agency (ESA), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Thales Alenia Space, OHB System and Airbus.

ESATAN-TMS is also heavily involved in student projects (Cubesat/Nanosat development) through a sponsoring activity of universities such as Tartu Observatory (Estonian Student Satellite Project), Warwick University (WUSAT), University of Adelaide (SUSat) and Beijing University Aero and Astro (BUSAT-1).

Universidad Sergio Arboleda

Sergio Arboleda University is pioneering the Colombian space age. Building up...

The University of Warwick

The Warwick University Satellite Team (WUSAT) is now in its...

University of Adelaide

The University of Adelaide is using ESATAN-TMS to support the development of ...


E-USOC belongs to the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Aeron&aac...

Politecnico di Torino

The CubeSat Team at Politecnico di Torino is using ESATAN-TMS to perform ther...